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"Molly Davey brought a brilliant technique and otherworldly shimmer to Ariel."


Steve Smith, New York Times, April 30, 2008



"The opera includes several attractive solo and ensemble arias, like a trio between Zémire — sung here with girlish charm by the clear-voiced soprano Molly Davey — and her sisters Fatmé and Lisbé, gracefully rendered by Amelia Feuer and Holland Kerker.

Ms. Davey sang “Air de la Fauvette,” the opera’s showpiece coloratura aria, with flair. At one point, she is accompanied by a solo flute, both imitating a birdcall." 


Vivien Schweitzer, New York Times, May 8, 2009



"The high soprano Molly Davey is a light-as-a-feather Ariel, agile and full of life; her sprightly wordless commentaries on Prospero’s words are a source of continual delight, and her aria, “Come unto these yellow sands,” is a gently lilting bonbon that is all too brief. Ariel is given a bigger part to play in act II, including a beautiful, ethereal vocalise that acts as an interlude."

                                                                           Colin Clarke,  Fanfare Magazine,  August 13, 2009



"Soprano Molly Davey takes a polished run at the Queen of the Night aria from Mozart’s Die Zauberflote."

                                                                              Holly Nadler, Vineyard Gazette, August 14, 2009



"As the island sprite Ariel, the agile and exuberant coloratura soprano Molly Davey maintains her youthfully sunny sound even in the throes of this fiendishly demanding part. She ornaments her way up to a high F in a vocalise interlude — an evocative showpiece laced with birdsong — but that's just a warmup for the aria that comes later: it is the rant of an avenging angel, complete with swirling orchestra and celestial voices."


Joshua Rosenblum, Opera News Online, October 2009



"There were standout performances by....Laurette (Molly Davey)..."


Anthony Tommasini, New York Times, May, 19, 2011



"Pretty Molly Davey took the stage for Edward Macdowell's Song of Autumn, and astonished the audience with her powerful, beautiful voice and exceptional range."


Greenwich Press, June 15, 2013



"Scenes from Zemire und Azor by Ludwig Spohr gave soprano Molly Davey and tenor Rogelio Peñaverde a chance to shine and shine they did."


                                    Meche Kroop, Voce d'meche: A Smorgasbord of Song, October 27, 2013






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